The Route of the Reservoirs runs 81 km through Montaña Palentina along the P-210 road, passing by the reservoirs of Aguilar de Campoo, Ruesga, Requejada, Camporredondo, and Compuerto. It begins or ends in Aguilar de Campoo, where the largest reservoir in Palencia was built in 1963. From there, the route leads to Cervera de Pisuerga, the heart of Montaña Palentina, and to the Requejada reservoir, which collects the waters of the Pisuerga River.
The route continues to Ruesga reservoir, the smallest, ideal for cooling off in summer. The viewpoints at Alto de la Varga and Alba de los Cardaños offer spectacular views of Espigüete peak, Curavacas, and Camporredondo reservoir, one of the oldest, inaugurated in 1930. Finally, the route reaches Compuerto reservoir and ends in Velilla del Río Carrión, where visitors can explore the Fuentes Tamáricas and other points of natural interest.